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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine's Day

A few years ago I moved to the Netherlands. The differences between Canada (where I'm from) and here are vast. Some things I like and some I don't. I love eating stroopwaffels at the Markt and hate how my bike gets broken or destroyed every week! There are somethings that I like and dislike at the same time such as the Dutch clothing style. On the one hand, everybody looks nice and presentable (no one would be caught dead in pyjamas or sweatpants in the supermarket) but on the other hand style here is so generic and conformist that people don't use clothes to express themselves at all.
A thing that I most definitely appreciate (and this has everything to do with the fact that I am single) is that in Holland there is little to no emphasis on Valentine's Day!! Because let's face it, if you are single on Valentine's Day, all the celebrations feel like someone slapped you in the face with a hot crepe with a kilo of nutella on it. It's painful, it's embarrassing and it's a huge mess to clean up.
That being said: for all you love birds I get that this is a special day so have a blast!

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